TSU Elections

            The 2018-2019 year is coming to a close and it’s also time for TSU to prep for the fall semester. Student registration and enrollment are important but what are other assets that are student driven that enhance the quality of the University. The Student Government and the Royal Court are student driven platforms that are supported by the University to enlighten and represent the student body. In this month of April students with the right requisites are eligible to run for office positions in Student Government as well as for the Royal Court. For as the 2018-2019 terms come to an end the 2019-2020 are getting ready to be presented.

            The Student Government Association is student political organization that handles the internal and external affairs for the University that students demand. When it come to finances and funding for school orgs how school events are initiated and ran SGA has that power. The Royal Court are students that represent each student class of University including having a king and queen crowned as Mister and Misses Texas Southern University to represent the student body overall. The Royal Court not only just a representation of the University student body but a leader in the community as well. These student leaders are given leadership roles that requires and allows them to serve the community and be mentors.

            Last week from April 8th through April 12th students running for offices in SGA and Royal Court were the opportunities speak and discuss their platforms, purpose, goals, and intentions as to why they would like the positions they are in pursuit for. Battle of the Plans would be the name of event that took place that would allow students to do so. This event would consist of every candidate running for offices in SGA and for positions Royal Court to have a brief speech of introduction followed by question and answer.  Students in the event would go to war with their speeches and blow for blow with question and answer responses.  Everyday of the week students would be campaigning on the Tiger Walk. Handing out treats, flyers, and supplies to persuade students to cast their votes in their favor.