TSU Comm Week 2019

From March 25-29 TSU’s School of Communication throws what is called Communication Week. Communication Week is a week dedicated for the students to enlighten the students on all of the medium of communication with those who are professionals in each rims of communication whether it’s journalism, mass communication, radio, television, and film, or entertainment recording management. The administrators of the School of Communication along with some student leaders would arrange events everyday throughout week. These events would consist of panelist, professionals in the field, activities to groom students’ skills, and also a time to showcase art and work from students.

                On Monday, the School of Communication hosted a speed networking event. An event for students to get know one another network and building relations. This event would be the tone setter for the week as for the previous of years it’s mainly just been panel discussion through the entire week which would dry students at times. This event got students engaged by demonstrating that it is important to value your colleagues and others on what talents and skills they posses to go along with what platforms or organizations they’re involved in.

                The first medium of communication that would get some spotlight would be journalism. On Tuesday, the day was dedicated to the journalism field of communication. This day would consist of writing labs ran by professors and actual professional news anchors. The writing lab events were hosted by FOX 26’s very own news anchors Lina Flores and Melissa Wilson. In these writing labs students were learning the assets of making news stories. How to write a news story, what is the difference between a news story intro and a novel, what makes a story newsworthy, and how to make attention getters. A great event that should continue through the years.

                There are so many ways in getting involved in communication. People all have different passions whether it maybe being on camera talent having their voice heard, being behind the scenes on the more technical side of things, or serving as a public relations personnel making connections. Wednesday was the day for radio as iHeart radio and KTSU2 had panel discussions that morning. KTSU2 The Voice which is the radio station operated by students to give students the platform to practice and help develop the skills and resume they need in the real world.

                TSU has plenty of young talent on the rise and the School of Communication would love to showcase their work they have done thus far. Students who specialize in radio, television, and film would get the chance to showcase any short films or documentaries they’ve made. Giving rising journalist opportunities network and work on their craft. Everyday the School of Communication had events to enhance the student body to make them better. TSU Studios were taking professional head shots for students in need. This TSU’s communication week was a success with many things to look back on and elaborate to continue to make better.