News Story #3

TSU Communication Week Review

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In the school of communication, we encourage students networking, getting involved with one another, and using all of their resources. During TSU communication it’s a week dedicated to all communication majors where events are held geared towards their professions. Communication week takes places in the Martin Luther King Jr. building on campus which is the home of the school of communication.

The week starts off with a music artist performance showcase hosted by ERM Alliance along with 9.09 KTSU Radio. Not only a good time for artists to showcase but also an opportunity for photographers, videographers, and journalists to get quick interviews to gather information for news stories. The rest of communication is followed up by panelist throughout week consisting of people who are currently in the industries of journalism, radio, television, film, and in the fields of entertainment recording management. Students allowed to have involved with hosting events, panels, and to showcase any projects they have in storage.

Some students cared to share their opinions and thoughts on communication week after their previous and current experiences. Many seemed to have the impression that communication is watered down with same panelist and events. Bryan Cooksey a Junior Broadcast Journalism major Collegiate 100 President gives his take on communication week.

“Well for one I think communication week needs a committee a team of students who plan the events for communication week. The students seemed to be involved but they’re limited to what happens,” Cooksey on what communication week is lacking. “During communication week they should give the students more say so.”

Paige Hubbard a Senior Broadcast Journalism major Fox 26 intern TSU Herald Executive Producer gives her take on how communication week can improve. “I highly respect communication week for the fact that I met my mentor from communication week who has helped molded me into who I’ve become from as a woman to a journalist,” Paige on what she’s gained from communication week. “What I do believe what they need to do is have the students display their work and then have the professionals critic them on their work. It can’t always be the same panelist not everyone has the same career path they like to pursue.”





The main purpose of communication week is for students to grasp knowledge from professionals and network. Communication turned out to be something that is good for the school of communication, however, something that has flaws and could use some improvement. Akil Williams Senior Broadcast Journalism major gives his thoughts on communication week.

“A lot people who are in the field of communication are not always newsroom journalist it would be nice we can get somebody whose big on Youtube or someone who is on Spotify,” Akil on communication week.

Akil Williams mentioned a few social media platforms that journalists and musicians use to display their content which is important. Youtube and Spotify are two platforms that people use that are highly recommended to use to get exposure.

Cameron Lee sophomore Radio, Television, and Film major who is a part of the TSU Studio production crew. “For me personally I’m more of a technical guy I have my hands on the device behind the scenes I work with my mentors so I learned from,” Cameron Lee gives his take on communication week. “I don’t gain my strengths from the panelist as for others may.”